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What to expect from a Sales Tax Audit?

There are different sales tax audits for different types of businesses.  If you are a cash business like a restaurant or convenience store the primary audit issue will be to determine if you reported all of your taxable sales.

If you are a larger business, the auditors will look at your purchases of assets and expenses to see if you paid sales tax when you purchased them, or if you voluntarily paid “Use Tax” if you purchased goods out of state and brought them to be used in New York. 

The common thread is that in any type of audit, a proper set of books and detailed recordkeeping will be very helpful.  In addition, good audit representation in Long Island will be your best defense.  Sales tax auditors are very aggressive and are looking to find additional tax.  Representing yourself could be a mistake.  You might say or do something wrong which could lead the auditor to believe that additional sales tax should have been reported.  There have been many audits referred to Brian Gordon at State Tax Audit Representation (STAR) after the business owner or tax preparer handled the audit which resulted in a large additional tax.  After referral to Brian Gordon, the tax was substantially reduced in most cases. 

How does this happen?
Brian Gordon worked for over 30 years at the NYS Tax Department.  Many of those years were as an executive, managing the New York Metropolitan District.  Brian knows how to represent a client on audit.  He knows how do solve problems.


Why Would You be Selected for a Sales Tax Audit?

Sales tax audits can be random.  Many businesses are selected randomly because the random audits frequently result in additional sales tax. Other times they are a result of a change in business activity, such as a sudden increase or decrease in reported sales. Another common audit selection tool is when there is a discrepancy in sales reported on NYS Sales Tax returns compared to the IRS or NYS business tax returns.  

When sales tax audits are not handled properly they can result in large amounts of additional tax, penalties and interest.   It’s important to get the best audit representation in Long Island available.  State Tax Audit Representation will help you get the best audit results possible.


How to Get Help with a Sales Tax Audit 

You don't want to go it alone when it comes to a sales tax audit. You can consult with State Tax Audit Representation to find out more. A sales tax audit is complex and takes a lot of time to manage. Having professional help will more likely result in a positive outcome.

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